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Covid-19 Contingency Plan
This year looks a little different. Our number one priority, is the safety of the children! Covid-19 safety precautions are in affect for a reason and we intend to follow them!
Having said that, the kids will be recycling all year long, and for that, they deserve a reward! If safety measures do not allow us to enter the school to celebrate with the monthly winning schools, we have a plan!
Each of the monthly winners will receive a Congratulatory video from the Talkin' Trash crew! All of the fun stuff we'd be doing in person, we'll bring to them virtually. Gerry the Great will perform some magic, Frank and the wonderful Talkin' Trash ladies will present the plaque and big check via a virtual ceremony AND since the mascots weren't able to celebrate with the kids, we'll check in on them and see what they're up to!
Kids will still receive monthly prizes and we'll be sure to coordinate that with the schools. Also, the winning schools will still be mentioned on air on WBTW!
What about the Grand Finale!?
It is very likely that orchestrating a class field trip in the midst of a pandemic may not be a reality. But fear not! Each child will receive a pass to Rockin' Jump to use at their own convenience!
We appreciate all your patience as we roll with the punches and figure out how to celebrate the kids for all their hard work!
I'm at home...can I still participate and recycle!?
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