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Event recycling

2 points

Does your school make efforts to recycle during special events? Do parents and other community members have the opportunity to recycle when they are in your school? Is there anything that you could do to promote recycling and waste diversion when you have special events?

Challenge: Choose at least one event during the school year and plan to offer event recycling to attendees.  You can obtain temporary event recycling containers from the SWA for this if needed.  

You may also choose to utilize the containers and equipment currently on-site and make containers available to attendees during the event.  Make sure that you have signs available to tell everyone what should go in the containers.


This is a great opportunity to introduce recycling and composting to parents and guardians! The students have likely told them about what is going on in their school and this a great chance to have students teach their family how to be good environmental stewards. 

This is a great opportunity to introduce recycling and composting to parents and guardians! The students have likely told them about what is going on in there school and this is a great chance to have students teach their family how to be good environmental stewards.

To receive points, please submit photos and event information to  (by April1,2025)

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